Connected bulbs

6 products

    Today, we are doing more and more in front of the'technological evolution. Indeed, many new intelligent equipment appears every day. Among the most popular materials to date, you can find the connected bulbs of the brand. Very useful accessories To light up a room from your home, bulbs have been around for years. Today, they have been reinvented to make your life easier. To use them at home, you can now use your Wireless and issue a vocal order to Alexa, to Google Assistant And even to Tuya Smart. By opting for these connected bulbs, you will therefore no longer have to press a switch to illuminate your home. Your phone alone will be enough for you.

    You want to install another type of bulb that is both practical and elegant, also discover the collection of Connected spots from

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    Enlighten your life: order your Silumen connected bulbs now

    A connected bulb is much more than a simple gadget. Indeed, the best connected bulbs allow real light control that reigns at home, at home or remotely with the help of your smartphone. On the long term, Buy a connected bulb Can even lower consumption in order to save energy.

    What is a connected bulb?

    The principle of the connected LED bulb, also known as an intelligent bulb, is very simple. At first glance, it is a bulb all that is most classic, that is to say that it is fixed on a lamp or on a ceiling lamp and that it emits light for light up a room. But the connected bulb has a large advantage. You can control your connected object via an application. Instead of pressing a switch, it is possible to adjust the light directly to your smartphone. In this way, you can therefore turn on the light remotely, but also modulate its intensity or change its color.

    What are the different types of LED bulb connected from the Silumen catalog?

    The connected bulb E14

    It exists Several kinds of connected bulbs or smart bulbs. I'Connected bulb E14 is a bulb that works in wifi and is compatible with Alexa and Google Assistant. This model ofE14 LED bulb is characterized by a power of 5.5 watts. It is distinguished from competing models with its elongated shape which ends in a point. Its RGBW system (Red, Green, Blue, White, which means red, green, blue, white) gives it a multitude of colors that allows you to change the atmosphere of your room with ease.

    The E27 connected bulb

    ThereE27 connected LED Mpoule is a model of home automation and versatility, which has many possible adjustments. Its rounded shape actually the classic bulb par excellence. It connects via wifi and has a wide color palette thanks to its RGBW system. This type ofE27 LED bulb However, offers light intensity significantly lower than the E14 connected bulb, since it is 4.5 watts. His cheek allows him to insert without difficulty in most lamps and ceiling lights.

    The connected GU10 bulb

    I'smart bulb GU10 is one of the best bulbs on the market. It is of quality comparable to the E14 and E27 connected LED bulbs. However, its shape differs slightly because it is flat. This makes it the privileged bulb for certain models of spots and projectors. This GU10 LED bulb has a power of 5.5 watts and can be purchased per unit or in a pack of 5 bulbs. Among its many features are compatibility with Alexa, which allows vocal control of your light.

    B22 connected bulb

    I'B22 connected LED bulb has many similarities with competing intelligent bulbs, such as GU10. The intensity of its brightness is nevertheless much more important, since it varies between 35 and 100 watts. It is a inexpensive connected bulb that it is possible to buy for less than ten euros per unit as a function of the model. Unlike other connected bulbs, the B22 cannot change color. This B22 LED bulb only exists in more or less hot shades of white. It is for this reason that you have to look at your color before buying it.

    How to choose my smart bulb?

    Compatible applications

    It exists several applications compatible with the connected LED bulbs. In general, each intelligent bulb brand develops its own application to be used on smartphone or tablet. One of the most popular apps to control your bulbs is Tuya Smart. It can easily settle on most mobile devices and allows them to be used like a remote control. Even if they are often free, there are also paid apps or containing advertising messages likely to interfere with your use of the bulb.

    The connectivity of the connected bulb

    If most intelligent bulbs connect through wifi, there are other means that can be just as practical, such as Bluetooth for example. It's important to Consider connectivity in your choice of the best connected bulb Depending on your needs. WiFi is a very practical means of connection, but can be incomplete in the countryside or in an isolated house with a bad connection. Bluetooth, even if it requires a certain proximity between the different devices, can then become the ideal solution. It's up to you to choose a wifi bulb or a Bluetooth bulb in relation to your use.

    The number of watts and lumens of the LED bulbs connected from the Siluma catalog

    The number of watts or lumens gives you indications for the power of your bulb. Her light intensity has an influence on the atmosphere of your interior. Even if you have the possibility of modulating this light, it can be interesting to know the maximum power of its lighting. The low -consumption bulbs were designed so as not to light up very strongly. In some contexts, it can then be wise to select a inexpensive but more powerful connected bulb.

    The lighting color of the intelligent bulb

    Some people appreciate being able to change the color of their lighting on a simple press of the finger. This can allow you to create a more pleasant, warmer, more pleasant atmosphere, or put the mood during a lively evening. To do this, you have to choose a model ofColor connected LED bulb, with different colors from a blue white red green spectrum (RGBW). Thanks to the'RGBW connected LED bulb, you browse between all these lighting colors And you manage to find the one that suits you best and will give a personalized touch to your interior.

    Other settings to choose your connected bulb

    There are many other parameters that help you choose the best connected bulb according to your criteria. The price, for example, is a criterion that should not be overlooked. Finding a cheap connected bulb does not necessarily mean that it is of poor quality. You have to manage to Compare the different models of connected bulbs, as well as the different offers. Sometimes it can be more interesting to buy a pack of 5 or 10 bulbs rather than a bulb per unit. For some, the many possible adjustments of the connected bulb as well as delivery times can also become important criteria.

    What are the features of connected bulbs?

    Remote control

    In general, when you decide to buy a connected bulb, it is because of its many features. Among these, the remote control is undoubtedly one of the most appreciated. With a connected LED bulb, it becomes possible to control the lighting of your house or apartment remotely. Your phone then turns into a real remote control. No need to get up to press a switch: you can adjust your brightness while sitting on your sofa.

    Integration with other home automation devices

    Home automation is undoubtedly one of the most exciting things that new technologies bring us. This word means connecting the different elements of a home between them, such as the connected light, heating or safety options. Nowadays, with the right equipment and the applications that correspond, it becomes possible to control an alarm, a pellet stove or a living room light from a mobile phone. The best connected bulbs are also those that offer the greatest compatibility with the other devices in your accommodation.

    Lighting personalization

    Classic LED bulbs rarely allow you to configure its lighting, whether in terms of color or power. At best, you have the choice between two or three ranges of brightness. But with a connected bulb, you can manually customize your light to find the ideal lighting according to your desires, or the atmosphere you want to set up: intimate, friendly, festive, etc. Your lighting is unique and in your image.

    Lighting automation

    One of the main features of connected bulbs, it is that they allow to automate your lighting. In a word, you can now program your lamps so that they light up at a specific time. This can be extremely practical if you want the lighting of your home or your apartment to activate your work, or that it lights up precisely at nightfall. If you have a well rhythmic life and you do not like small loss of everyday time, then the automation of lighting will bring you satisfaction.

    What are the advantages of connected LED bulbs?

    Save energy savings

    Buying a connected bulb has many interests, especially with regard to energy savings. The automation of lighting allows you, for example, to make sure that no light has remained on at home during your absence. Modulate the power of the brightness of your LED bulb Also allows it to reduce it when you don't need too much light but you don't want to be plunged into darkness, which is not possible with conventional bulbs. These are either extinguished or on.

    A much longer lifespan

    On average, the connected bulb offers a lifespan significantly greater than traditional bulbs. The fact that it is possible to reduce their power at certain times does not only save energy, but also to increase the lifespan of the bulb which will not run at full speed. Even if some models of connected bulbs seem a little more expensive than traditional bulbs, this does not mean that you are losing in the long term. Since its lifespan is longer, Buy a connected bulb can be more interesting financially.

    Your daily comfort on a daily basis

    Being able to adjust its light and make its lighting automatic, it is above all a question of comfort. Do not have to get up from your bed or your sofa to turn off the light is just as much. With connected bulbs, the comfort of your everyday life tends to increase substantially. There is no doubt that this innovative technology will save you time and improve your well-being when you are at home.

    An increased feeling of safety

    Being able to light the light from your home remotely, even when you are not at home, it also has safety benefits. A well -lit house is a house in which you feel good. In the event of a problem, you have for example the possibility of lighting the light of your home from your office, or even from abroad. A light that suddenly lights up is undoubtedly the most effective way to scare away a burglar in the middle of the night.

    How to configure and install a connected bulb?

    Application configuration

    The first thing to do when you receive your connected bulb is to install the corresponding application on your device, such as your smartphone, tablet or computer. Be sure to download and install the app that corresponds to your operating system (Android, Windows, iOS, etc.). Once the app has been installed and your account has been created, you can then enter its interface and Configure your connected bulb. In this way, the connected bulb and the device connect automatically each time, and you can directly check your light.

    Installation of the connected LED bulb

    Installing your new connected bulb is not particularly complex. You must first have it recognized by the app or software interface. For this, you are sometimes asked to scan a barcode or a QR code located on the connected bulb or on its box. You must then add the bulb to the deck constituted by your electrical installation. In general, once the pellet of the screwed bulb and the corresponding light on, the app manages to recognize it and integrate it into its network fairly quickly.

    Connection to a domestic device

    Home -fashioned lovers have at heart of Connect their intelligent bulb to other smart devices in their home. To achieve this, it is recommended to refer to the original manual of the device. This allows you beforehand to check the compatibility between the two devices. If you use Bluetooth technology, you have to start the device and bulb signal at the same time, so that they can recognize each other. If you use WiFi, you need to go through your Internet connection.

    Buy the best smart bulbs from Silumen!

    At Silumen, you can Take advantage of a wide choice of connected LED bulbs. Depending on your needs, it is possible to buy a unit connected bulb or in the form of a pack. So you can equip all the lamps in your house all at once. Express delivery allows you to receive your connected bulbs in no time. If you wish, it is possible to obtain a warranty up to 5 years. Online payment on the Silumen site is secure and can be made in three or four times.

    Les questions les plus fréquentes

    Les ampoules connectées, aussi appelées ampoules LED connectées ou ampoules intelligentes, représentent une avancée significative dans le domaine de l'éclairage domestique et professionnel. Leur fonctionnement s'appuie sur la technologie LED pour l'éclairage, enrichie par une connectivité qui ouvre de nouvelles possibilités de contrôle et de personnalisation. Voici un aperçu détaillé du fonctionnement des objets connectés :

    1. Connectivité sans fil : Les ampoules connectées utilisent le Wi-Fi, le Bluetooth ou le ZigBee pour se connecter à une application mobile, une tablette ou un système domotique. Cette connexion permet de les contrôler à distance, que vous soyez chez vous ou à l'extérieur.

    2. Commande via application : Grâce à des applications dédiées, l'utilisateur peut allumer, éteindre, dimmer (ajuster l'intensité) ou changer la couleur de l'éclairage selon les modèles. Cela offre une flexibilité et une personnalisation sans précédent dans la gestion de l'éclairage.

    3. Programmation et automatisation : Les ampoules LED connectées peuvent être programmées pour s'activer ou se désactiver à des moments spécifiques. Elles peuvent également être intégrées dans des scénarios d'automatisation, réagissant à des événements tels que l'ouverture d'une porte ou le coucher du soleil.

    4. Compatibilité avec les assistants vocaux : Les ampoules intelligentes sont souvent compatibles avec des assistants vocaux comme Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant ou Apple Siri. Ceci permet un contrôle vocal pratique, ajoutant une couche supplémentaire d'accessibilité à leur utilisation.

    Pour acheter ou choisir une ampoule connectée, il est essentiel de considérer sa compatibilité avec votre système domotique existant, la facilité d'installation et d'utilisation de l'application correspondante, ainsi que les fonctionnalités spécifiques offertes par chaque modèle. Opter pour des ampoules LED connectées est un choix judicieux pour moderniser votre éclairage, en apportant à la fois efficacité énergétique et une vaste gamme de fonctionnalités intelligentes. Commander des ampoules adaptées à vos besoins spécifiques peut transformer votre expérience d'éclairage, en faisant de votre espace un lieu plus accueillant, sécurisé et adapté à votre mode de vie.


    Pour mettre en fonction une ampoule connectée, suivez ces étapes simples et efficaces. Les ampoules LED connectées offrent une facilité d'installation et d'utilisation pour tous les utilisateurs.

    1. Choisir l'emplacement approprié : Assurez-vous que l'endroit où vous souhaitez installer votre ampoule connectée est à portée de votre réseau Wi-Fi. La connectivité est essentielle pour profiter pleinement des fonctionnalités de l'ampoule.

    2. Installer l'ampoule : Vissez l'ampoule intelligente dans le luminaire de votre choix. Les ampoules LED connectées s'adaptent généralement à tous les types de douilles standards.

    3. Alimenter l'ampoule : Activez l'interrupteur pour alimenter l'ampoule. Une fois allumée, elle est prête à être configurée.

    4. Télécharger l'application dédiée : Chaque ampoule connectée est gérée via une application mobile spécifique. Rendez-vous sur le Play Store ou l'App Store pour télécharger l'application correspondante à votre modèle d'ampoule.

    5. Connecter l'ampoule au Wi-Fi : Ouvrez l'application Silumen Home et suivez les instructions pour connecter votre ampoule à votre réseau Wi-Fi qui doit être sous 2.4GHz. Cette étape est cruciale pour permettre à l'ampoule de recevoir les commandes à distance.

    6. Personnaliser les réglages : Une fois connectée, l'application vous permet de personnaliser les réglages de votre ampoule connectée. Vous pouvez ajuster la luminosité, changer la couleur, programmer des horaires d'allumage et d'extinction, et bien plus encore.

    Pour commander votre objet connecté ou pour choisir le modèle le plus adapté à vos besoins, n'hésitez pas à consulter notre large gamme sur Nos ampoules connectées offrent non seulement un éclairage de qualité, mais aussi une expérience utilisateur intuitive et satisfaisante.


    Pour contrôler une ampoule connectée, l'application Tuya Smart et Silumen Home sont des choix privilégiés par de nombreux utilisateurs. Ces applications permettent une gestion complète de votre éclairage, rendant l'usage de l'ampoule intelligente à la fois simple et intuitif. Voici pourquoi elles se distinguent :

    • Compatibilité étendue : Pour votre ampoule LED connectée, Tuya Smart et Silumen Home assurent une compatibilité large. Cela vous permet de centraliser la gestion de vos dispositifs d'éclairage sous une seule et même application.

    • Fonctionnalités avancées : Ces applications offrent des fonctionnalités diversifiées, telles que le réglage de l'intensité lumineuse, la programmation d'horaires pour l'automatisation de l'éclairage, le contrôle vocal via des assistants intelligents et la personnalisation des ambiances lumineuses. Ces options enrichissent l'expérience utilisateur en fournissant un contrôle précis et personnalisé de votre éclairage.

    • Simplicité d'utilisation : L'interface utilisateur des applications Tuya Smart et Silumen Home est conçue pour être intuitive. Ainsi, même les novices en technologie peuvent facilement configurer et gérer leurs ampoules connectées sans difficulté.

    • Sécurité et confidentialité : La sécurité de vos données est une priorité. Ces applications utilisent des protocoles de sécurité avancés pour protéger vos informations et garantir que le contrôle de vos appareils d'éclairage se fait en toute sécurité.

    En choisissant vos objets connectés chez Silumen, vous bénéficiez non seulement d'un large choix de produits de qualité, mais aussi de la garantie d'une compatibilité optimale avec des applications de pointe. Cette synergie entre les ampoules intelligentes et les applications vous permet de personnaliser votre éclairage selon vos préférences, d'automatiser des scénarios lumineux et de contrôler votre éclairage de manière intuitive et sécurisée.