LED bells

36 products

    Equip our LED bells To carry out your lighting projects. Our range is made up of several models of Industrial bells which will be used to light your spaces while decorating them. Offering efficient lighting with excellent value for money, our LED bells will satisfy you both by their quality, their aesthetics as by their sustainability. They are adapted to domestic or professional use and can be used individually or in series, depending on the size of the room and the desired light intensity. For your general or functional lighting needs, opt for our LED bells, you will not be disappointed. Buy the best Industrial LED bells On our site, at the best price and take advantage of free delivery from € 59.90 purchase. Also discover our selection of Industrial hanging lights Silumen, with several types of lights such as LED industrial bulbs or various types of LED Neon To best carry out all your industrial lighting projects and support you on a daily basis.

    36 products
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    Choose a LED bell to light and enhance your exterior

    Are you responsible for arranging a large outdoor space under shelter and you have to find a suitable luminaire that is powerful enough to light up the entire surface? The choice of ideal lighting takes place on a case -by -case basis and is based on criteria specific to the type of space to be fitted out. In other words, a simple bulb will not be enough to guarantee the optimal lighting of a large outdoor space, such as a parking lot, a large garage or a warehouse.

    To carry out your development project, you need a lighting solution that is both efficient, qualitative and, ideally, designed specifically for this type of situation. In other words, you need to get some LED bells, a kind of industrial suspensions which takes place under a ceiling and diffuses a powerful light flow. Find the best industrial LED bells adapted to your needs at Silumen, your reliable lighting expert.

    The LED bell: a design and practical luminaire

    Silumen offers you in its vast catalog of lighting products adapted to all situations a wide choice of Industrial hanging lights. These lighting models, initially provided for industrial uses, are renowned for the power and scope of their light flow. Indeed, the industrial suspensions have been designed to provide efficient lighting to cover a high ceiling height and ensure optimal visibility in the space they overlook.

    However, the use of industrial type lights is no longer limited to professional sectors. The need to have powerful and economical lighting at home has brought solutions such as the industrial bell to invest in the domestic circle. Thus, it is now common byInstall industrial LED bells At home to benefit from optimal lighting suitable for large spaces.

    There Industrial LED bell is both practical and reliable while bringing an industrial touch to the space it lights up with its modern and minimalist design. They constitute the ideal solution to guarantee maximum visibility in a large space with a high sub-pond height. In addition, this luminaire gives you the benefit of Advantages of LED technology And illuminates your spaces with its powerful flow of light without drastically climbing your energy bills.

    Discover the characteristics of the LED industrial bell

    Because your needs in terms of lighting solution vary individually according to your tastes and expectations, Siluma strives to do what is necessary to satisfy you as best as possible. Our catalog offers you a large Selection of industrial LED bell models a choice. However, it should be noted that, in the initially being lighting for industrial use, the majority of models are suspensions declined in a uniform black color. However, there is no question of falling back on any model, although they all share the same design in terms of external aspect. Indeed, the proposed LED bell models are distinguished from each other by their lighting power and their protection index.

    LED bell lighting power


    From a general point of view, industrial LED bells are powerful lights. Their performance in use is the main interest which justifies The choice of the best LED bells as lighting. They are acclaimed, both in the professional and domestic environment, for their light intensity and their increased power, which can exceed 200W. So, if you need a very powerful luminaire to light up a large space, do not hesitate to opt for the Industrial bell 210W. However, as you will not necessarily need such a power of LED bell lighting to arrange a domestic outdoor space, these are offered to different power levels, ranging from 50W, 100W, 150W to 200W.

    Choose a high protection index

    If you plan to install industrial LED bells as lighting in an outdoor space, be sure to choose a model with the protection index adapted to the situation. It is, of course, a light suspension which generally takes place under a shelter. However, do not neglect the seal of the luminaire in order to guarantee its resistance and longevity in the face of dust or possible projections of water. Most of Industrial LED bell models Proposed in the Silumen catalog is IP65 certified for optimal resistance.

    The Highbay LED bell


    There Industrial Highbay LED bell is an industrial suspension model designed specifically to light up spaces that have a high ceiling height. There Industrial LED lighting power Highbay type is such that it can ensure optimal visibility in space, even suspended 14 meters from the ground. This luminaire is generally used as a lighting solution in vast interiors such as a warehouse or a showroom where it demonstrates the full extent of its performance.

    Installing an industrial LED bell

    In addition to being powerful, reliable and durable lighting solutions, industrial LED bells are relatively simple to install and put into service. It is quite possible for you to personally take care of the implementation and Connection of your LED bells Without having to request the intervention of an electrician. As always, remember to cut the current arrival to limit the risks. Therefore, all you have to do is fix the hook and the fixing cable at the decided location, then to connect the LED bell. Then repeat the operation with the remaining LED bells. Besides, if you need several industrial suspensions to develop a large space, you can order Highbay LED bells in pack of 5 At Silumen.

    Les questions les plus fréquentes

    Les cloches LED offrent plusieurs avantages significatifs par rapport aux cloches halogènes, rendant leur utilisation plus bénéfique dans de nombreux contextes :

    1. Économie d'énergie : les cloches LED consomment beaucoup moins d'énergie que les cloches halogènes pour une quantité de lumière équivalente. Ceci se traduit par des économies substantielles sur les factures d'électricité.

    2. Durée de vie plus longue : les cloches LED ont une durée de vie nettement plus longue que les halogènes. Alors que les cloches halogènes peuvent nécessiter des remplacements fréquents, les LED peuvent durer des dizaines de milliers d'heures sans nécessiter de maintenance.

    3. Moins de dégagement de chaleur : contrairement aux halogènes, qui génèrent beaucoup de chaleur, les cloches LED restent froides au toucher. Cela réduit le risque de brûlures et diminue la charge sur les systèmes de climatisation.

    4. Meilleure qualité de lumière : les cloches LED offrent une lumière de meilleure qualité avec une meilleure reproduction des couleurs, ce qui est crucial dans les environnements où la précision des couleurs est importante.

    5. Respectueuses de l'environnement : les LED ne contiennent pas de mercure et émettent moins de CO2 comparativement aux lampes halogènes, ce qui les rend plus respectueuses de l'environnement.

    6. Flexibilité de conception : les technologies LED permettent une plus grande flexibilité dans la conception des luminaires, permettant aux fabricants de créer des formes et des configurations qui étaient impossibles avec l'halogène.

    Ces avantages font des cloches LED un choix supérieur pour la plupart des applications industrielles et commerciales, où la fiabilité, l'efficacité énergétique et la réduction des coûts d'exploitation sont cruciaux. Pour en savoir plus sur les luminaires suspendus industriels ou pour effectuer un achat, n'hésitez pas à visiter notre site ou à contacter notre service client.

    Dans les environnements industriels, les certifications des cloches LED assurent non seulement la qualité et la sécurité des produits, mais aussi leur conformité aux normes réglementaires strictes. Voici les principales certifications à rechercher :

    1. IP (Indice de Protection) : cette certification mesure le niveau de protection contre l'intrusion de solides et de liquides. Une cloche LED avec un indice IP élevé (par exemple IP65 ou IP67) est essentielle dans les environnements industriels pour assurer la protection contre la poussière, l'huile et l'eau.

    2. CE (Conformité Européenne) : cette marque indique que le produit est conforme aux normes de sécurité, de santé et de protection de l'environnement pour les produits vendus dans l'Espace économique européen.

    3. RoHS (Restriction of Hazardous Substances) : cette certification assure que le produit est fabriqué sans matériaux dangereux spécifiquement bannis par l'Union européenne, comme le plomb ou le mercure.

    Ces certifications sont cruciales pour garantir non seulement la performance et la sécurité des cloches LED dans des conditions industrielles exigeantes, mais aussi pour répondre aux exigences légales et réglementaires. Pour plus d'informations sur les produits certifiés ou pour acheter des cloches LED adaptées à un usage industriel, n'hésitez pas à visiter notre site ou à contacter notre service client.